SCWHOST E-mail Hosting Package
We provide the quality service that you the customer expect!
Our E-mail Only is for personal or small business use. Our E-mail accounts all come standard with POP3 and IMAP. The E-mail Only package gives you the power to run and manage a full staffed company with e-mail.
Disk Space - 1000mb
Monthly Data Transfer - 2000mb
Our Price - $7.99 a month
Cpanel Access - Yes
Fantastico Scripts - Yes
Domain Aliases - 2
Subdomains - 2
FTP Accounts - 2
Web Disk - Yes
Mail Boxes - 10 BoxTrapper Spam Blocker - Yes Client Managed
Secure IMAP & POP3 - Yes SpamAssassin Spam Blocker - Yes Client Managed
Auto Responders - Yes Razor, DCC, Pyzor Filters - Yes Client Managed
Forwarders - Yes Spamhaus & SpamCop Checks - Yes Client Managed
Mailman Mailing Lists - Yes Catch-All E-mail Addresses - Yes Client Managed
Squirrelmail Webmail - Yes Manual Email Filtering - Yes Client Managed
Horde Webmail - Yes Domain Keys and SPF - Yes
RoundCube Webmail - Yes Ports 26 and 587 Outgoing

- Yes

Business Class Spam Filter - Optional Price starts $12.50 Per Month for 10 addresses
SAS 70 Type II Certified - Yes Network Monitoring - Yes
DDos Attack Response - Yes Firewall - Yes
Secured Entrance/Exit - Yes Brute Force Detection - Yes
Redundant Carriers - Yes Nightly Security Updates - Yes
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